Dear 18-year-old self,

When I turned 28, I wrote a letter to my 18 year old self. They say that hindsight in 20/20 and I am grateful for the lessons the past 10 years has taught me.

Dear 18-year-old self,

I know it is hard to believe now, but the next 10 years of your life is going to go by really quick. Before you know it, you'll be 28 reflecting back on the memories you cherish so dearly. I know that right now the excitement of starting a new chapter is a bit overwhelming, and you have big plans. But don't worry so much about it, things will fall into place just as they are suppose to. Most of the plans you make will change anyway, and you will soon realize that God was guiding you all along. Oh, and all of little things that seem really important right now--they won't matter in 10 years. None of it…the bad hair days, overnight break outs, spats with friends. They won't even matter in the next 6 months. You will go to college, and you will be paying for it (literally) for years to come. But soak it up! You will make life long friends and gain experiences that shape and mold the woman you will become. It is true what they say, if you love hard then you lose hard, but there is no better way to do it. Friends will come and go in your life, more often than you might think. Even when your family doesn't seem close, they are always there for you! Guard your heart. Boys will tell you what you want to hear, but don't waste your time. When you find the right one (and you will find the right one), you'll know. Don't let fear of the unknown keep you from trying new things. Keep an open mind, and realize that there are a lot of people out in the world who come from completely different places. God is big enough to love us all. And always hold your head up high with your heart open wide. You have a lot to offer the world, but still so much to learn. 

Blessing & Peace, 
your next 10 years


What to {not to} wear for your photo session