The Last 10 Years

I saw someone do an exercise towards the end of the year where they wrote down all of the major life events and accomplishments they made over the last decade. I thought to myself — I wanted to give it a try. I’m just now taking the time to write that list, and I’m going to share it with you below.

Here’s the thing: I often feel like I am not making any progress. It feels like I have not grown as much as I would want, and it is easy for me to beat myself up. Why is it so easy for us to think about all the things we have not been able to do rather than celebrate all we have accomplished. If you’ve been struggling with some of the same mindset struggles, I’d encourage you to try the exercise.

Here’s an incredible decade and lots to celebrate!


Graduated from Carson Newman
Moved to the beach with my college love 
Couldn’t find a job because of the oil spill
Moved back home to Mississippi
Started job at BWW
Broke up with college love 
Prayed for clarity
Met Andrew
Moved in with the Lays 
Bought first digital camera 
Connected with new and old friends 
Started dating Andrew 
Started counseling program 
Quit job at BWW 
Started working at Southaven 1st UMC 
Starting photography side hustle
Mission trip to New Orleans 
Moved in with the Grays 
Joined a gym 
Learned to dance 
Completed Masters in Counseling 
Got first ‘real’ job 
Got engaged 
Mission trip to Eureka Springs  
Moved into apartment 
Got married 
Became a Zumba instructor 
Leo joined the family 
Called to ministry 
Started the discernment process with the UMC 
Applied to seminary 
Mission Trip to El Salvador 
Moved to Monticello 
Started at Candler School of Theology
Became an Aunt - Aubrey 
Started photography business
Continued to discern call 
Met incredible people  
Moved to Woodstock
Pastored Mount Gilead UMC
Luna joined the family 
McKenzie was born 
Started photography business 
Connected with ATL creative community
Graduated from seminary 
Commissioned as Elder in UMC
Associate pastor at Sandy Springs UMC
Etta was born 
Bought first house 
Launched empowerment work
Luke joined the family 
Mission trip to Birmingham 
Traveled to Cuba 
Trip to Seattle
Launched Growth & Grace Podcast 
Mission Trip to Panama City 
Celebrated 6 years of marriage
First Growth & Grace Brunch 


A Self Discovery Exercise - 'I Am' Poem


You Are Beautiful: My 81 year old Grandmother’s Journey to feeling Beautiful